I just published a post about an alternative to the famous New Year Resolution. But, for those of you that like resolutions, here is a post for you.
Below I have listed several broad resolutions and some herbs that may help you keep them.
Disclaimer: View these as fun ideas to make your resolution(s) not so bland. This is just a quick list I threw together, not an in-depth look at herbs for these conditions. I am by no means diagnosing, prescribing, treating, preventing, or curing disease. If you have serious health issues please seek out a professional health care provider. This is for educational use only. Only try an herb that you are comfortable with.
1. DIET: These herb are for anyone who has a food centered resolution.
Peppermint tea: Drinking peppermint tea after a meal can calm down the taste buds and give your brain a signal that the meal is done. Peppermint is also a great digestive aid.
Pepper: Sprinkle on your food to increase the uptake of nutrients. Just use a normal amount, too much and you may get an upset stomach.
Garlic: Cooking and using this herb can help promote a healthy gut.
Ginger tea: Drinking before/after meals can help relieve stomach aches and cramps, and also promotes digestion.
Holy Basil tea: This adaptogen can help balance hormones, including cortisol, which could lead to less "stress eating."
Grapefruit essential oil: Enjoying the aroma of this oil may help cravings.
Chamomile tea: Drinking this tea helps soothe the digestive track and can help you relax which always leads to more happy digestive system.
Cinnamon: According to research, one teaspoon a day may be enough to help regulate blood sugar.
Herbal Bitters: These herbs help increase appetite and get the stomach ready for food. Generally take them before and/or during a meal. Some common bitters are: dandelion root, artichoke, chamomile.
2. EXERCISE: These are herbs are for those of you who are seeking a new personal best in gym or simply a daily walk.
Adaptogens: Holy Basil, Astragalus, Reishi, and Eleuthro (especially beneficial for increasing performance) are just a few examples. Adaptogens help the body carry the "load" of modern stress by building up the cardiovascular system, HPA axis, immune system, nervous system, and muscles. These can be taken in tea or capsule for long periods of time. The adaptogen term was coined in Russia by Russian scientists who were looking for nontoxic herbs that helped laborers work longer hours under harsh conditions.
Green Tea: If you're trying to quit coffee and need a little pick-me-up to help you blast through your workout green tea may be the herb for you.
Peppermint essential oil: A whiff of this oil is always boosting to the mood and body.
3. MEDITATION/DAILY PRAYER/MINDFULNESS: These herbs are for those of you who wish to slow down, embrace the present, and/or practice meditation and daily prayer.
Frankincense essential oil: Diffusing this oil may help one remain focused during prayer and meditation. I imagine that Jesus might smell like this. Myrrh is also a fun oil to try.
Simply make a cup of tea: Adding mindfulness to your day may be as easy as making a cup of tea and sitting quietly to enjoy it.
Relaxing herbs: Lavender and Chamomile- either as a tea or essential oil, these herbs can help calm a mind that has been running around in a hamster wheel.
4. SLEEP: These herbs are for those who wish to get a more hours of sleep, are trying to get to bed earlier, or simply want to stress less so sleep can come.
Chamomile tea: This herb is relaxing and a mild sedative.
Passionflower: This is a sedative but it is not as strong as valerian. I prefer it in a tea with chamomile and peppermint.
Valerian: I take a capsule or tincture of this every night. Research suggests it helps you get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer.
Ashwagandha- This is an adaptogen and is generally used for those who have trouble sleeping due to nervousness or anxiety. Ashwagandha can be combined with warm milk, honey and cinnamon for a delightful bedtime drink.
Essential oils: Lavender, chamomile, rose, bergamot, sweet orange, grapefruit are just a few essential oils that promote relaxation and/or sleep.
5. READ/LEARN: These herbs are for those who wish to read more, increase vocabulary, take a class, or attend a college, etc.
Gingko: This herb increase blood flow to the brain and contains antioxidants.
Adaptogens: Holy basil and Eleuthro are a couple of adaptogens you may use. In fact, adding one adaptogen can help with any of these New Year resolutions. Adaptogens have a non-specific action on the body and can improve almost every system in including the brain and nervous system.
Rosemary essential oil: Research suggests diffusing rosemary essential oil increases memory and improves brain function. It's nice to give the little grey cells a little kickstart. You can always add a little peppermint essential oil too.
Don't get carried away. Remember that life happens. Pick one or two things to try or you could use it as a starting point for your own ideas.
Happy New Year!
Alchemy of Herbs by Rosalee de la Foret
Botanical Supplements by Jessie Hawkins, PhD
Advanced Botanical Medicine by Jessie Hawkins, PhD
Botanical Medicine in the Home by Jessie Hawkins, PhD
Understanding Holistic Health by Jessie Hawkins, PhD