We all know we should eat better, exercise more, and make changes that benefit our health and professional life. In fact, we usually possess the information we need to make changes and yet, changes never seem to come. But we still make our resolutions every year, striving to attain something that, deep down, we really don't believe we can achieve.
So instead of thinking about where you would like to be right now, let's take a peak at where you actually are.
Reflect on your year in a posture of gratitude and humility. Bring your year before God and let Him help you evaluate it. Grab a cup of tea and take some time to think or write about these key areas in your life:
SPIRIT-- How are you tending to your soul? How does your soul feel? Are you empty most of time? Why is that? Are you making time for God?
BODY--How are you attending to your body? How does your body feel? Do you have energy? What symptoms or health issues are you battling?
MIND-- What did you learn this year? Are there books you read or wish to read? What about your thoughts? Are they heavy? What's distracting you?
RELATIONSHIPS--Take time to evaluate your relationships. Who do you spend time with? Who do you wish you spent more time with? Are any relationships hard? How can you tend to them? How are you treating others?
HOME-- What going on at home? Is it chaotic or peaceful? What does your home life need?
WORK--What's going on at work? Is it energizing or draining? Why? Is there anything you wish you could change?
RESOURCES-- Count your blessings and then think about how you use what you've been given (time, money,education, energy, possessions, etc.)
Were you striving to become the best version of yourself? What areas were you strong in? What areas do you feel need more attention?
Now, look back at your answers and take time to think of ways you can tend to each area in the New Year. I generally try to keep things simple or I would never finish this exercise!
I like to write mine out on a piece of paper with a line drawn down the middle of the page. Then I can "reflect" on one side and "reset" on the other.
The exercise you just completed a version of the Examen prayer and various forms have been used for centuries in the Christian church.
The inspiration for this post came from a planner I use called Sacred Ordinary Days, check them out at: www.sacredordinarydays.com.
For more information on a yearly examen check out