A migraine's hit and there's no stopping it. Here are some things I do while I wait it out.
1. Caffeine: Caffeine is found in many migraine medications since it dilates the blood vessels. While I have never had any luck with Excederin, sometimes caffeine can be helpful. The best way I have found to do this is through an iced coffee. It's nice treat when you're feeling lousy. Of course, withdrawal from caffeine may also cause headaches so I do not use this trick on a daily basis.
2. Ice Packs/Heat packs: I prefer ice packs and cold wash clothes on my forehead when my migraine hits. Choose which ever feels most comfortable.
3. Cold foods: Frozen grapes, bananas, mangos, blueberries and peaches have been great migraine food for me. I like to keep my food light and tasty when my migraines get bad. Helps me actually eat ;p
4. If you want to watch T.V. keep it to old black and white shows and movies. Now is not time to watch Star Wars or Guardians of the Galaxy. Even movies from the 70s and 80s may be too stimulating for you. Watching a show can certainly make a migraine worse but if you just need something to pass the time stick to the Golden Age of Hollywood. Staples for my migraine days (if I can tolerate it) are: The Dick Van Dyke Show,What's My Line (you can find this game show for free on YouTube), Roman Holiday, Sabrina, and Pride and Prejudice (1995).
5. Simplfy your morning devotional time. If you are a Christian, adjust your devotional time with the Lord. He understands and is with you in your pain. Instead of spending 15 minutes reading your Bible spend 1 minute reading 1 verse of scripture like Psalm 143:8. Then bring your day and tasks before the Lord. He will help you discern what you need to do and what you need to release for the day. (I got this idea from Hello Mornings. Check out their website :https://www.hellomornings.org)
6. If you have thick hair take out your messy bun or top knot. Go for a low pony tail, braid or French braid. If you have roommates or family, ask one them to do your hair for you. As long as they're gentle it'll probably feel good.
7. Make it dark: shades drawn, sleep mask, whatever it takes.
8. Sleep: THE BEST THING EVER! Need I day more?
9. If you need to move, take a walk after dark (stay away from busy roads or the lights from cars will make your migraines worse). It's also cooler which may also feel good on your head. Be safe, of course!
10. If you're nauseous, try ginger. I like capsules or adding dried powdered ginger to tea.
11. If you HAVE to get something done, get out your timer to remind yourself to take a brain break every 15-30 minutes. A brain break is pretty self explanatory. Close your eyes, get to a quiet/dark place, quiet your mind and focus on your breath for 5-10 minutes. It'll take longer to get things done but you're probably going slow anyway.
12. Try audiobook if you need a distraction or company. I prefer something mindless narrated by a low voice, preferably with an English accent.
13. Make yourself as comfortable as possible: if your head is killing you, try and make everything else easier for yourself. Put on comfy legging and shirts. Take off your bra if you're more comfortable without it or opt for something free of underwire. Brush your teeth. Take a shower or bath. Put in ear plugs if there's lots of noise. Turn on a fan or adjust the room temperature.
14. Put off making hard decisions. Write it down so you won't worry about forgetting it. You're out of it and not thinking straight. Now is not the time to deicide to quit your job or wonder whether your dog hates you.
15. Try an herb. Valerian is an herb I reach for when a migraine hits since it helps me sleep and is a natural pain reliever. Chamomile is calming and stress relieving. Peppermint is often used in the treatment of migraine and headaches. Get curious and see what works for you.
What works for you? Let me know in the comments!